Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Week Without Swimming Makes Me... Well, Nutty

My house is FULL of sickies this week! It all started last Saturday morning when The Trooper woke up and promptly puked ~ in the toilet, thank God. The rest of the day was kind of iffy... feeling bad, not feeling bad, feeling bad.... and ultimately ended with The Trooper puking *ALL OVER* our entry way, including a wall (insert image of puke dripping down the wall). Um, yeah. That's what I said. Sunday was better (no puke but a high fever). Monday rolled in and both The Trooper and The Tween were sick so both were home from school. The Tween was well enough (I think he was faking on Monday) to go back Tuesday, and by Wednesday The Husband was coming down with it. Thursday The Husband and The Tween (legitimately sick this time!) were home, with The Trooper back at school. Shheeessh!

I told you all of that to tell you this. A week without swimming makes me, well, nutty! I haven't been able to hit the pool since last Friday. I'll be able to go tomorrow on my lunch hour, since both The Trooper and The Tween should be at school. I'm sure the coach thinks I threw in the towel already or something. Yeah, not so much. I've been itching to get in the pool all week! Hopefully these days of rest for my poor, pathetic muscles have been a good thing. I probably needed it anyway! So here's hoping that **I** don't get sick now!

1 comment:

  1. yep, i was sick this week and only got three days in. Since I'm a crappy swimmer it actually was a nice break.

    I always tell my daughter that chlorine cures everything from a broken bone to a scrape to chicken pox. Push that lie on your kids and they'll go swimming with you?
